Monday, November 23, 2015

What’s New in Android Studio 1.5

Android Studio 1.5 is focused on delivering more stability, with most of the enhancements being made under the hood. It adds new lint checks, the ability to use short names when code-completing custom views, and the memory profiler can now help you detect some of the most commonly known causes of leaked activities.

Android Studio 1.5 is now available to download from the stable release channel.

Find out more from Android Developers Blog:

Monday, November 9, 2015

What is Cardboard

What is Cardboard and Virtual Reality. This video introduces Cardboard for developers and how to use a phone and a simple box of Cardboard to tap into a new type of immersion with virtual reality.

Watch more episodes of Cardboard here:

Cardboard: How Cardboard Works

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Google Play services 8.3

Google Play services 8.3 is now out enabling you to build better apps with new functionality for: Sign In, Fused Location Provider, App Invites, and the Wearable Data Layer APIs.

Android and Android Studio: Getting Started

Learn how to get started with Android and Android Studio in this short tutorial. It demontrates how to install Android Studio (Google’s official Android IDE) and create your first Android app. You’ll learn how to download the Java SDK, download and install Android Studio, create a new “Hello World” project, and run your app on an emulator and real Android device.

You’ll also learn a series of Protips from an Android app startup as they go through the process of developing their app in a highly stressful environment. With over 1 billion Android devices already activated, Android represents an incredible opportunity for developers. Installing Android Studio is your first step!

Download the Java Development Kit:
Download Android Studio:
Android USB Drivers for Windows:

Once you’ve installed Android Studio, learn more about developing Android Apps using these resources:
Android Developer Documentation:
Developing Android Apps Udacity Online Training:
Android Design for Developers Udacity Online Training:

Check out more music from the composer: